Friday, November 8, 2013


With the hijinks of tunk or treat, complete, only tricks were left for holloween, whereon the little goobers kept good spirits and refused to let the weather keep them from goblin hoardes of candy.

The robot ninja power ranger was confused by the umbrella concept, usually holding it to the side, then, eventually flipping the mask atop to stop the sop.

The howling winds chilled us to the bone, including the umbrellas, stripped to skeletal remains.

It was great.  People were so happy to see our small band of hoodlums that they handed out handfuls of candy, witch fortunately meant the trek was truncated, and we retired quickly, to dry our soggy socks and drenched dress.

The next day, Will was the first beset by the demon plague that continues to haunt us, Ari the latest victim, Jen -- the sole survivor, so far.

Of corpse, it was all worth it.

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